In my previous post I've shown how to quickly start coding with Domino AppDev Pack Java API. I used an insecure connection to avoid dealing with certificates, now it's time to fix this. If you are testing the new Java API, which is marked as a preview, you probably enjoy living on the edge and may also have a V12 EAP Domino server somewhere. This may help us see how the future may look. Domino AppDev Pack series: 1. First Java API 2. Certificates (this) 3. Kotlin REST API The AppDev Pack distribution contains sample files that generate ca, certificates and kyr file using openssl, but this is a one-time operation that is pretty hard to repeat or even use in production. If you want to use this in production, you should use a proper certificate authority. Last week Daniel Nashed posted info about nice enhancements coming to V12 that can help us here Domino V12 ACME for company CAs using smallstep and Easy kyr file creation with Early Access V12 in production . smallstep ...
BPM, Software Development, Domino, XPages, Java