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Showing posts from December, 2022

XPages EL/class-loader memory leak (now with solution)

 We have recently experienced OutOfMemory crashes of XPages app server. The server was recently upgraded to 12.0.1FP1, but we were getting some panic crashes in HTTP even before the upgrade (it was 9.0.1FP10). Our hopes were that the upgrade would stabilize the server, but it's not the case. At least now I start to see what's the problem.  update 8.12.2022 There were actually 3 different leaks. I have rewritten the article to be a bit more clear. I also re-run some of the tests on 9.0.1FP10, so I assume the problems are also in earlier versions. Problem 1 The server is hosting over 1000 NSF sharing the same design + some other custom apps. Not all NSFs are used via web as the app still has classic Notes UI in parallel, so it's a bit tricky to estimate the load. By using tell http xsp show modules I usually see around 350 NSFs active. We kept the default application timeout that should provide reasonable application recycling if it's not used continuously.  We started to...